
Know What To Include In The Resume Format Of An IT Fresher In India

Know What To Include In The Resume Format Of An IT Fresher In India
Students Guide

Know What To Include In The Resume Format Of An IT Fresher In India

Your journey as an IT fresher begins with a single step, and that step is your resume. Crafting a resume format for an IT fresher that showcases your skills, knowledge, plus potential is crucial for landing your first job in the dynamic world of Information Technology. 

Here, we’ll delve into the art of structuring one common resume format for an IT fresher to make your first strong impact.

But before that, if the field of IT engineering excites you and you are looking forward to pursuing a career in it, do check out the Bansal Group of Institutes. It has some of the top engineering colleges in Bhopal!

Table Of Contents

1. Who Is An IT Fresher?

2. Essentials Of Resume Format Of An IT Fresher

3. Mistakes To Avoid In Your IT Fresher Resume

4. The Final Say

5. FAQs

Who Is An IT Fresher?

An individual who has recently completed his/her formal education, typically a BCA or B. Tech degree or diploma program in a field related to Information Technology or IT engineering. They are at the beginning stages of their career in the IT industry and have little like 1-year experience to no professional work experience in the field.

IT freshers are often seeking entry-level positions, internships, or trainee roles in companies to gain practical exposure and build their skills in areas such as programming, software development, networking, database management, cybersecurity, and other IT-related domains.

Essentials Of Resume Format Of An IT Fresher

Here are the essentials of resume format for an IT Fresher in common-

1. Start With The Basics: Contact Information

At the top of your resume, you must provide your full name, phone number, email address, and residing location. Also, double-check the accuracy of this information, as you wouldn’t want to miss out on a potential opportunity due to a simple typo.

2. Compose A Captivating Objective

Write a concise career objective that reflects your aspirations and highlights what you bring to the table. Tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for. For instance, “Recent IT graduate with a passion for web development, seeking an entry-level role to apply coding skills and contribute to innovative projects.”

3. Education: Showcase Your Academic Journey

List your educational details in reverse chronological order. Include your degree (e.g., Bachelor of Computer Science), university name, location, graduation year, and any relevant coursework or achievements in your resume format for an IT fresher. If your GPA is impressive, consider adding it here, too.

4. Technical Skills: Your IT Arsenal

Create a section that highlights your technical skills. Mention programming languages (e.g., Python, Java), software (e.g., Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite), database management systems (e.g., MySQL), and any other IT-related skills you possess.

5. Projects: Display Your Practical Know-How

Under a separate “Projects” section, describe projects you’ve worked on during your studies or personal projects that demonstrate your IT skills. Provide a brief description of each project, your role, technologies used, and outcomes achieved.

6. Internships: Practical Experience Matters

If you have completed internships or part-time IT roles and try applying for top IT companies as well, list them with details about the company, role, duration, and responsibilities. Emphasise any technical tasks you undertook, such as software troubleshooting or database management.

7. Certifications And Workshops: Enhancing Your Profile

Include relevant certifications, workshops, and training programs you’ve completed. For instance, if you’ve acquired certifications in programming languages or IT security, mention them here in resume format for an IT fresher.

8. Extracurricular Activities: Showcasing Your Interests

Mention clubs, coding competitions, hackathons, or IT-related community involvement. These activities demonstrate your passion for the field and your willingness to go the extra mile.

9. Achievements and Awards: Celebrating Success

If you’ve received academic honours, awards, or recognition for your IT-related achievements, this is the place to showcase them.

10. Personal Statement (Optional): Let Your Personality Shine

Consider adding a brief personal statement in resume format for an IT fresher to provide insights into your personality, work ethic, and motivation for pursuing a career in IT amidst this highly competitive job market.

11. References: Available Upon Request

End your resume with “References available upon request.” Avoid including references directly; you can provide them when requested.

Mistakes To Avoid In Your IT Fresher Resume

Here are the most common and noted mistakes to avoid for your IT Fresher resume format-

1. Overloading With Information

Keep the resume format for an IT fresher concise and relevant. Avoid including every detail; focus on what’s most important.

2. Generic Objectives

Avoid generic objectives that don’t reflect your genuine interest in the specific job you’re applying for.

3. Typos And Errors

Proofread your resume thoroughly to eliminate grammatical mistakes and typos. Also, check the work experience format if you have added any.

4. Disorganised Layout

A cluttered or disorganised layout can make your resume format for an IT fresher hard to read with technical terms. Stick to a structured format.

5. Excessive Jargon

While technical terms are important, avoid overloading your resume with excessive jargon that might confuse the reader.

6. Lack Of Quantifiable Results

Whenever possible, include quantifiable results to showcase your impact, such as “increased efficiency by X%” or “completed project ahead of schedule.”

7. Omitting Keywords

Tailor your resume format for an IT fresher for each job application by including keywords from the job description.

8. Unrelated Hobbies

While hobbies can add personality, avoid including hobbies that are completely unrelated to the IT field.

9. Neglecting Soft Skills

Don’t focus solely on technical skills in resume format for an IT fresher. Soft skills are equally important for a well-rounded candidate.

The Final Say

Remember, as an IT fresher, your resume is your introduction to potential employers. Keep it concise, relevant, and error-free. Also, tailor it for each job application you apply to highlight the skills and experiences that align with that specific role. With a well-structured resume format for an IT fresher and a follow-up email every time, you’re well on your way to catching the attention of IT recruiters and opening doors to your first professional IT adventure.


1. What’s the ideal resume length for an IT fresher?  

Keep your resume concise, ideally one page in length. Focus on the most relevant information.

2. Is it important to tailor my resume for each job application?  

Yes, customising your resume for each application is recommended. Highlight the skills and experiences that align with the specific job description.

3. Should I include a photograph in my IT fresher resume?  

In most cases, it’s not necessary to include a photograph in your resume, especially for IT positions. Focus on the content that showcases your skills and qualifications.

About BGI

The Bansal Group of Institutes offers a wide range of engineering, management, and nursing courses. It has the best and top-placement colleges in its various campuses across Bhopal, Indore, and Mandideep. With credible faculty and well-equipped laboratories, BGI ensures a top-notch learning experience. 

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