
Five Habits To Develop During this Pandemic time which can Change your Life

Five Habits To Develop During This Pandemic Time Which Can Change your Life
Students Guide

Five Habits To Develop During this Pandemic time which can Change your Life

We all have been bored, frustrated, irritated by being at our home for long. We face depression, anxiety, and frustration from time to time, and we feel like we don’t have interest left in anything.

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

So here are 5 habits that you can develop to help yourself relax, and be positive during these tough times.


“Meditation is a vital way to purify and quiet the mind, thus rejuvenating the body”

Meditation is the best way to manage your stress. And it helps us to focus better and live in the present moment. It helps us increase our patience and tolerance level. One of the best benefit of meditation for students is that – it increases memory power.

“HEADSPACE” AND “CALM” are two widely used apps that have different sessions of meditation. So when are you going to install them?


“Exercise not only changes your body, but it also changes your mind, your attitude and your mood

Exercising 15-20 minutes daily not only reduces your weight, but also improves mental health and moods. It gives us a good night’s sleep, and increases our productivity. As exercise improves your mood, you tend to be happier and positive throughout the day, it also decreases the risk of chronic diseases. Jumping rope is the easiest exercise one can do.


“Listening to a podcast isn’t a waste of time this is the way one becomes wise”

A podcast is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening. Podcasts help us to become better listeners, you can listen to them like you are listening to songs. Since we listen to podcasts instead of watching them, it forces us to create imaginations and boosts our creativity and imaginative power. They are great to use of time, they allow you to become more involved and educated in the area that sparks our interests.


“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”

Reading a book not only improves your communication skills, but it also helps one to build a good vocabulary. It helps us to express ourselves better, it also helps us to reduce stress. ‘What exercise is to body that is reading is to brain’ I have found that many people feel too lazy to read a book, so one tip for them is to start reading 10 pages every day before sleeping. Make it like a routine, then this way you can easily get in habit of reading every day.


“Journal writing is the voyage to the interior”

Writing dairy help us to organize our thoughts and make them apprehensible. It improves writing skills. Sometimes we are stressed and writing a diary can help us to relieve that stress. Writing can help us to be more creative. Journal writing is a wonderful pathway to self-awareness. Different types of journals can be written:

  • Gratitude journal – In this one writes what one is grateful for from the day.
  • Goal-setting journal – In this one can write about their short term /long term goals and to-do lists about daily tasks one wants to complete.

Personal journal – This helps best to introspect. This is also the best way of expressing your anger frustration, and sadness.

“Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.”

Sanskriti Sharma, CSE, BIST

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