Bgi Bhopal

Electronics and Communications Engineering

Home / Electronics and Communications Engineering


Electronic and Communication Engineering is a four years course having eight semesters. It is a professional Engineering Degree in “Electronic & Communication Engineering” awarded in India.

The course is designed to meet the always-growing demand for qualified professionals in the field of both Software and Hardware.

It covers various aspects of Computational Theory, Programming, Algorithm Design and Optimization, Networks, Mobile Technologies, Electronics, Mathematics, probability, etc.

Syllabus/Scheme upto 8 semester

Digital System Design
Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation
Electronic devices
Network Analysis
Evaluation of Internship-I completed at I year level
90 hrs Internship based on using various software’s –Internship -II

Energy & Environmental Engineering
Signals & Systems
Analog Communication
Control System
Analog Circuits
Simulation Lab
90 hrs Internship based on using various software’s –Internship -II

Microprocessor &its Application Digital Comm. CNTL EMT (Electro Magnetic (Theory) CNTL Lab Matlab programming Evaluation of Internship-II Internship-III Minor Project 1

Digital Signal Processing
Antenna & Wave propagation
Data Communication
Microcontroller & Embedded system
Data Communication Lab
Microcontroller & Embedded system
Minor Project II

VLSI Design
Microwave Engg
Internet of Things
Microwave Lab
I.O.T. Lab
Major Project-I
Evaluation of Internship -III

Optical Fibre Communication
Wireless Communication
Wireless Network
Advanced Communication Engg. Lab
Major Project-II


Training Programs conducted within last 1 year

Training program on Embedded system & IOT (From 21st Dec 21 to  27th Dec 2021

Industrial Visits conducted

NITTTR ,BHOPAL | Date : 29/08/2022

MSME ,BHOPAL | Date: 14/12/2021

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