Bgi Bhopal

Computer Science Engineering

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Department of Computer Science & Engineering has its origin in the founding year of the institute, 2000. Since its inception, the department has been immensely contributing to the rapid growth of the institute. By the virtue of its experienced & well-versed faculties, the department has always been witnessing an excellent teaching-learning atmosphere. Being a strong carrier of technology, the department possesses a good number of computer labs that are well synchronized with the current requirements of the system configuration.

The department executes itself on the principle, “Change is the only constant”. An agile environment enables it to move parallel with the ever-changing industry trends, which is regularly reflected in its placement statistics. With its students placed in popular MNCs, the department has been the flag bearer of professional success in the IT market.

The Vision of the department is to empower our students with the technicalities and their all-around development to fulfill the requirements of present globalization. To preach to students the ethics of engineering in order to produce engineers with high caliber and morals to serve society.

To prepare the students for the industry ready and enhance the student’s knowledge and skills in advanced technological areas, Workshops, Expert Lectures, skill development, and personality development programs are being conducted by the Department.

The Department has state-of-the-art facilities for various labs, well-equipped Seminar halls, classrooms to support e-learning, and a Department library.

The department of Computer Science & Engineering is committed to its stakeholders in offering quality technical education thereby producing candidates who are right away employable, industry-ready graduates and/or interested in pursuing higher education. With an objective of

Syllabus/Scheme upto 8 semester

Engineering Physics
Basic Mechanical Engineering
Basic Civil Engineering & Mechanics
Basic Computer Engineering
Language Lab & Seminars

Engineering Chemistry
English for Communication
Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Engineering Graphics
Manufacturing Practices

Energy &Environmental Engineering
Discrete Structure
Data Structure
Digital Systems
Object Oriented Programming & Methodology
Computer Workshop
Evaluation of Internship-I completed at I year level

Mathematics- III
DC Analysis Design of Algorithm
Software Engineering
Computer Org. & Architecture
Operating Systems
Programming Practices

Theory of Computation
Database Management Systems
Cyber Security
Internet and Web Technology
Lab (Linux)
Lab (Python)
Evaluation of Internship-II
Internship – III
Minor Project- I

Machine Learning
Computer Networks
Compiler Design
Project Management
Data Analytics Lab
Skill Development
Minor Project II

Software Architectures
Wireless & Mobile Computing
Data Mining and Warehousing
Wireless & Mobile Computing Lab
Data Mining and Warehousing Lab
Major Project-I
Evaluation of Internship -III

Internet of Things
Cloud Computing
Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Cloud Computing
Major Project-II

Training Programs conducted within last 1 year

  • Neo PAT Training
  • Java Training
  • Python Training

Industrial Visits conducted

Regional science Centre | Date : 07/11/2022

Regional science Centre | Date : 07/11/2022

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