
What Are The Contrasting Approaches To Design In Graphic Design And Industrial Design?

What Are The Contrasting Approaches To Design In Graphic Design & Industrial Design
Students Guide

What Are The Contrasting Approaches To Design In Graphic Design And Industrial Design?

As a creative, you may have encountered graphic and industrial design. Both are distinct areas in the design world but share some common ground. 

So if you want to know more about industrial product design and graphic design, fascinating branches of design, and how they approach their craft differently, keep reading the blog! 

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Table Of Contents

1. An Overview Of Industrial Product Design 

2. The Evolution Of Industrial Product Design 

3. The Importance Of UX In Industrial Product Design 

4. What Is Graphic Design? 

5. Common Grounds Between Industrial And Graphic Design 

6. What Sets Industrial And Graphic Design Apart? 

7. The Final Say 

8. FAQs 

An Overview Of Industrial Product Design

Designing an industrial product requires technical knowledge and creativity. It involves considering specifications, ergonomics, functionality, and user experience to create a new product. 

An industrial designer’s role is to ensure that every aspect of the product development meets the end-users requirements. From prototyping to mass production and manufacture, the process requires considerable differences from graphic design or interior design. 

The Evolution Of Industrial Product Design 

The industrial design process involves furniture design, consumer products and packaging. Its evolution has been marked by considerable differences in the actual product from conception to manufacturing. Technical knowledge and design skills are a vital part of the creative process for an industrial designer. 

The product design process involves designing products that meet specific specifications and user experience, with UX and UI being a subset of industrial design. With CAD, industrial designers can create prototypes that simulate the actual product before it is manufactured, avoiding costly mistakes in mass production.

The Importance Of UX In Industrial Product Design 

In today’s world, where consumers demand not just great-looking products but also those that are intuitive and easy to use, the importance of user experience (UX) in industrial product design cannot be overemphasised. A subset of industrial design, UX design considers usability, user interface (UI), ergonomics, and technical specifications to ensure the end-user has a seamless experience while interacting with the product. 

The creative process involved in designing a new product requires considerable differences between an industrial designer and a product designer. By keeping the end-user in mind throughout the entire design and development process, including mass production and manufacture, UX design ensures that the product meets or exceeds customer expectations.

What Is Graphic Design? 

Graphic design is a type of design that emphasises visual communication and creating visually appealing designs. It involves working with digital media, typography, colour theory, and layout principles. Professionals in this field must possess good technical knowledge and design skills. They must be creative in achieving their goals. 

However, there are considerable differences between graphic design and industrial product design as it involves creating physical products that are functional as well as aesthetically pleasing. Graphic designers typically work on the user interface (UI) for software applications or websites. In contrast, industrial designers work on the entire process from conception to mass production of a new product, ensuring the end user’s usability.

Common Grounds Between Industrial And Graphic Design

Design engineers on physical products bring technical knowledge and expertise to the design process. They are responsible for creating prototypes, developing specifications, and ensuring ergonomics, usability, and user experience. 

Product development includes packaging, mass production, improvement in manufacturing, and end-user considerations. Although there are considerable differences between graphic design and industrial product design, industrial designers focus more on functionality than aesthetics.

  • Similarities In The Design Process 

When it comes to the similarities in the design process between industrial product design and graphic design, there are quite a few considerable differences that should be highlighted. Designers from both fields start by identifying problems and creating solutions. 

They consider aspects such as ergonomics and specifications along with prototyping and testing their designs before reaching the actual production stage. Communication skills and soft skills are also vital when dealing with clients or working within teams during the entire product development process.

  • The Importance Of Functionality In Desing 

In industrial and graphic design, functionality is a critical component that should never be overlooked. Prioritising the user’s experience and creating functional designs are essential for designers in these fields. 

It is crucial to understand materials, production methods, technology, and effective communication skills when designing physical products like furniture or consumer goods. Collaborating with clients and other team members throughout the entire process of design is key to professional practice.

What Sets Industrial And Graphic Design Apart? 

Comparing the design methodologies of graphic design and industrial design is difficult. Industrial design concerns creating tangible products, while graphic design deals with visual communication. 

While industrial design requires technical knowledge of materials and manufacturing processes, graphic design focuses on artistic skills such as typography and layout. Both fields require problem-solving abilities and user-centred thinking.

  • Emphasis On Aesthetics In Graphic Design

In professional practice, industrial product design is about creating physical products that aim to be functional and aesthetically pleasing. In graphic design, emphasising aesthetics requires a deep understanding of typography, colour theory, and composition. 

Graphic designers primarily work with clients to create designs for marketing or branding purposes. Although there are considerable differences between these two types of design practices, they share a focus on the end-user experience through usability and user interface (UI) design elements.

  • Focus On Manufacturing In Industrial Product  Design

Creating a new product involves a lot of considerations, such as specifications, mass production, user experience, prototype and UX. It requires technical knowledge and design skills in packaging, interior design, furniture design, and consumer products. Industrial designers work closely with engineers to create functional and aesthetically appealing designs that meet users’ needs.

The Final Say 

Both graphic design and industrial design require a creative eye and a thorough understanding of design principles, but they differ significantly in their approaches to achieving their desired outcomes. 

While graphic design primarily focuses on aesthetics and visual communication, industrial design prioritises functionality, ergonomics, and manufacturing feasibility. However, they share common ground regarding the design process and meeting user needs. Ultimately, the choice between these two areas of design depends on your interests and skills.


1. What is the main focus of graphic design versus industrial design?

While both graphic and industrial design requires creative problem-solving, their focuses differ. Graphic designers create visual elements for print or digital media, working with typography, colour, and layout. For aesthetic appeal and usability, industrial designers focus on designing functional, user-centred physical products using materials and ergonomics.

2. How do the design processes differ between graphic design and industrial design?

Graphic and industrial designs differ in focus, tools, and processes. Graphic design is visual communication using digital tools, while industrial design involves developing physical objects. The graphic design process includes research, creativity, sketching, and refinement, while industrial design requires prototyping, testing, and production planning. 

3. What key skills are needed for success in graphic design versus industrial design?

Graphic designers need expertise in typography, colour theory, and layout design. Industrial designers require problem-solving skills to create functional and appealing products. Mastery of design software and communication skills are crucial for both fields.

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The Bansal Group of Institutes offers a wide range of engineering, management, and nursing courses. It has the best and top-placement colleges in its various campuses across Bhopal, Indore, and Mandideep. With credible faculty and well-equipped laboratories, BGI ensures a top-notch learning experience. 

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