Bgi Bhopal

Master of Business Administration

Home / Master of Business Administration


Since its inception in 2003, the Department of Management of Bansal Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal has been offering the most effective and extensive MBA education in Central India with a view to blend traditional values and business education. Over the last few years, our institution had been working relentlessly to provide quality education. We are committed to “Strive continuously to foster a creative learning environment through proactive, dynamic and participative processes towards enhancing the quality of life. Our exceptional faculty, curriculum – pedagogy, distinguished guest lecturers, visiting faculty, internship placements, and field exposures provide the optimal balance between theory and practice.

The institute is delivering superior quality education consistently and incessantly. It is this unique heritage spanning decades of excellence in higher education that sets us apart from other educational institutes. Bansal’s Management Department ethos is focused on identifying and nurturing the next generation of thought leaders through intuitive education.

Syllabus/ Scheme of 4 semester

Management Concept & Practices
Quantitative Methods
Managerial Economics
Communication Skills
International Business Environment
Accounting for Managers

Organizational Behaviour
Human Resource Management
Financial Management
Marketing Management
Research Methodology
Project Management

Business Policy & Strategic Analysis
Management Information System & Decision Support System, Marketing Management (Specialization paper)
Consumer Behaviour
Advertising Management Financial Management (Specialization paper)
Security Analysis & Investment Management
Working Capital Management Human Resource Management (Specialization paper)
Management of Industrial Relations
Management Training & Development, Banking & Financial Service Management
Management of Banking & Insurance Institutions
Financial Planning & wealth Management Retail, Management (Specialization paper)
Retail Concept & Practices
Marketing Concept in Retail Management

Business Legislation
Entrepreneurship Development & Management, Marketing Management (Specialization paper)
Sales & Distribution Management
Service Marketing Financial Management (Specialization paper)
Management of financial Services
Strategic Corporate Finance, Human Resource Management (Specialization paper)
Human Resource Planning & Development
Compensation Management, Banking & Financial Service Management (Specialization paper)
Financial Institutions & Markets
Financial Risk Management, Retail Management (Specialization paper)
Management of Retail Operations
Retail Merchandising & Supply Chain Management

BGI MBA placement 2024

eligible students Placed
0 %
Companies in Campus
0 +
Sectors Offering Placement


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